What makes Connie Marks daylily unique

The following traits have repeatedly been observed and represent the characteristics of ‘Connie Marks’.

These attributes, in combination, distinguish ‘Connie Marks’ as a new and distinct cultivar.


Connie Marks is a nocturnal, fully double, lightly creped and ruffled 13.4 cm in diameter, light yellow daylily of considerable substance that blooms for 24 hours


Connie Marks has a propensity to form the plurality of scapes per fan, two scapes per fan per bloom period


Connie Marks is heat and cold hardy to a wide range of hardiness zones – USDA No 3 – No 7


Connie Marks has a delicate perfumed fragrance


Connie Marks has an extended bloom period from early June until the end of July


Connie Marks cleanly sheds spent flowers to allow new buds to fully develop


The plant readily propagates by division and exhibits moderate rate of multiplication of three or more fans per fan per year


Connie Marks is resistant to daylily rust Puccinia hemerocallidis